santa claus

Pulp Commentary – Silent Night, Deadly Night

In this edition of Pulp Commentary, it’s X-Mas in July! And the boys… you know what, no. We’re not even going to do it this time. This movie has taken things too far. Santa Claus has claimed too many lives for these injustices to go on! Kids, don’t enable this… this red suited MONSTER to keep annually invading your lives with promises of toys! It’s not worth it! Why, you ask? Well, he’s a killer! And by that we mean a killer of cinema! Witness, for the first time, a movie so bad that it breaks the mold. The movie that nearly KILLED Pulp Commentary. We’re of course talking about the Holiday slasher that somehow spawned five sequels and a remake: Silent Night, Deadly Night. Please, punish it. PUNISH!